Our Story
Pawtogether was born from one simple idea: "Turn your pet photo into a masterpiece."
It all started in 2019 after the sudden loss of our beloved Persian cat named Lion we had for over 17 years. Lion was such an important part of our lives and we wanted to create a portrait to honour the memory as well as remember the joy and love that Lion brought to our lives. We created our first drawing of Lion based on a photo, we framed it and hanged it on the wall – and the idea of Pawtogether was born.
They say love is a four-legged word, and we couldn’t agree more. That’s why our products are designed for all dedicated pet parents to honor and express love for their pets.
But that’s not all - we care about animal welfare. We work with different animal welfare communities to give back as much as possible.
We strive to make a better world for pets and that’s our promise. With every Pawtogether product you purchase, you help us to achieve this.